Thursday 7 April 2011

This saturday make your voice heard 1pm Overgate

Students Defending Dundee Schools is a campaign of schools students that is active in fighting education cuts in Dundee. Basically we need some funding so that we can print leaflets/ get a banner made etc. We will be having a fundraising stall outside Boots this Saturday. All school students who are interested in coming along would be a great help.

We will also be doing a ballot box on the stall in which pupils can vote "yes" or "no" on whether or not they want the city campus. This will show the council how easy it is ask school students their opinion on the matter which has not been done so far.

The aim of this stall is to widen awareness of our campaign and to try and get people from different schools involved. We will also have more petitions and sign up sheets on the day.

You don't have to be there for the whole time but even if you can give a little support on the day it would be appreciated.

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