Friday 1 April 2011

Dundee students mobilise against city campus and cuts

From Courier

Dundee school pupils planning walkout to protest cuts and campus plan

Secondary school pupils in Dundee are planning to stage a walkout today in protest at plans to cut education spending and establish a city campus for Advanced Higher courses

A campaign group called Students Defending Dundee Schools say they intend to gather outside the city council's offices at Tayside House and hand in a petition for education convener Liz Fordyce.
It is not known how many pupils plan to take part in the action, nor how many schools will be involved. However, some pupils at Harris Academy say they will walk out of class at 2.45pm.
The action is being taken in the wake of a decision to cut £4 million from the education budget for 2011/12 as part of the council's wider spending reductions.
Pupils are also aggrieved by the city campus plan, which will see pupils from different schools brought together to study for certain Advanced Highers.
The council say this scheme will benefit pupils by maintaining the viability of less popular courses.
One of the Harris pupils said, "We have taken this action as we feel our opposition to the council's plans and demands for real consultation are being ignored.
"The SNP administration is pushing through damaging cuts to our education and we have to organise a fight back to gain a voice.
"The city campus will mean that students who are seeking further education next year in the form of Advanced Highers are being mixed into bigger classes out of their own schools. This means the pupils affected will be unable to get the same attention and level of help."
Earlier this week the education committee agreed to carry out a review of the school estate. The convener has said there are no plans to close any schools, but she has not ruled out that possibility.
The Harr is pupil said, "£4 million cuts in education will destroy the future and potential of young people in Dundee."
A Students Defending Dundee Schools blog as been set up.
A city council spokesman said, "Young people are entitled to make their views known, but pupils should remain in class during school hours."


  1. Are you interested in linking up with others protesting cuts in Dundee? Defend Dundee Services, which acts as an umbrella group, has its next meeting at 7 pm on Tuesday 5th April in Dundee University's Dalhousie Building (the big new white one). Ask for the room booked by People and Planet.
